Scindapsus Treubii Care Tips - Ultimate Guide for Optimal Growth

Scindapsus Treubii MoonlightScindapsus Treubii Moonlight

When it comes to rare houseplants, the Scindapsus Treubii reigns supreme. This stylish climbing plant is an intriguing favorite among amateur gardeners and seasoned botanists alike. The Scindapsus Treubii can be divided into two distinct varieties: the Scindapsus Moonlight and the Scindapsus Dark Form.

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight vs. Dark Form

Scindapsus Moonlight is defined by its elegant oval-shaped leaves that have a silvery sheen. The Scindapsus Dark Form, on the other hand, has deep green leaves that can appear black in certain lights.

Plant Origin & Classification 

Scindapsus Treubii are native to rainforests of Southeast Asia. They are often found in tropical jungles, trailing along the floor or climbing up trees with their aerial roots. As a houseplant, they thrive when given a structure (bamboo stick, totem pole, trellis...etc.) to climb. Though this isn’t a steadfast requirement for the plant.

Scindapsus Treubii are part of the Araceae family. Their subfamily is Monsteroideae and their genus is Scindapsus.

How to Keep Your Scindapsus Treubii Happy

Whether you're a plant expert or just starting your journey into the world of houseplants, the Scindapsus Treubii is a great addition to any collection. In terms of difficulty, the Scindapsus Treubii is relatively easy to care for. It’s a low maintenance plant with stunning foliage and unique leaves.

Light Requirements

Scindapsus Treubii plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Place it in a room with lots of filtered light for optimal growth. Avoid placing your Scindapsus Treubii outside under direct sunlight as this will scorch its leaves. Conversely, don’t put it in an area that's too shady, as this will stunt its growth.

Temperature & Humidity Requirements

Because Scindapsus Treubii plants are native to tropical Asian rainforests, they prefer warmer temperatures and lots of humidity. They do best if kept somewhere that stays warmer than 55 degrees fahrenheit year-round. Avoid placing your plant next to a cold window or air conditioning vent. They also benefit from a good misting now and again.

Watering Requirements

With the Scindapsus Treubii, it’s very important to avoid overwatering. Never allow your plant to sit in water. Always make sure your pot has adequate drainage. Water your plant regularly, making sure the soil dries between watering. Remember, you want the soil to be moist, not soggy.

Not sure when to water? Stick your finger about one to two inches into the soil. If those two inches are dry, it’s time for some more water! If it feels moist, let it be. Another method is to wait for the leaves to curl slightly at their sides, this is your plant telling you to water it. 

Soil Requirements

When it comes to soil, Scindapsus Treubii plants aren't too picky. A fast draining succulent soil would do best or a loam soil. As long as the soil is fast draining, your plant will be happy.

Fertilizer Requirements 

Make sure to fertilize your plant once a month during its growing period (spring through summer). Grab a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, as this will help keep your Scindapsus Treubii’s foliage full and lush.


Though rare, Scindapsus Treubii are susceptible to pests. To avoid unwanted pests, spray your plants with preventative neem oil. If you do encounter pests, head over to your local plant store and grab some insecticide.

Growth & Size

Given the right conditions, a happy Scindapsus Treubii can grow relatively fast, climbing upwards of 8 feet! Their unique leaves can also grow quite large, ranging anywhere between 4 to 20 inches.


It’s best to wait to repot your plant until it has clearly outgrown its current vessel. Roots growing out of the drainage holes are clear indicators that it’s time for a repot. Keep in mind, frequent repotting is unnecessary for this plant and can actually do more harm than good.

How to Propagate 

If you love your Scindapsus Treubii plant and want more, try propagating it! Here are two different ways to propagate your Treubii. Check them out below.

Water Propagation

  1. Take a clean, sharp knife or gardening shear, and cut off a leaf just below it’s node, this is where the roots will form), leaving 3 to 4 inches worth of stem. (If you’ve ever propagated a pothos before, it’s the same process). 
  2. Place the cutting into a glass of water. 
  3. Change the water once a week to reintroduce oxygen to the cuttings. 
  4. After a few weeks, roots should form, and the cuttings can be transferred to soil.

Perlite Propagation

  1. Once again, you’re going to want to take a clean, sharp knife or gardening shear, and cut off a leaf just below its node.
  2. Fill a container with perlite and moisten it.
  3. Place the cutting into the container and water regularly. 
  4. After a few weeks, your cutting will produce roots. Transfer into a pot with soil.

If you’re looking to step up your plant game, look no further than the Scindapsus Treubii. It’s an easy-to-care-for, rare plant that will elevate your houseplant garden. Whether you want the moonlight variation or the rare dark form, this plant is sure to inspire.

Written by
Samantha Husted
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